Thursday, March 21, 2013

Not in the Whelm

Yes, I'm in the OVERwhelm.  So many things to do for the new book.  Have not even emailed all my contacts on Gmail re the book.  I'm not slipping.  I've slipped and fallen and I can't get up!

The book was published a month ago.  For the first ten days, I kept looking at it and touching it.  I couldn't believe it was real.  It was like seeing my baby.  This robust little miracle came out of me?  It was like seeing my ankles after childbirth.  There they were!  They also seemed magical after not having seen them for six months.

The book is also magical.  This came out of me?  What does it mean?  Does it mean I am a legitimate writer now?  Do we need someone's stamp of approval to make us real?  Or is that just me?

My ankles recovered from childbirth.  The rest of my body never did.  I kept explaining to salesladies in clothing departments that I was still carrying "a little baby fat".

"How old is your baby?" one salesclerk asked with kind innocence, as she attempted to cinch a silk obi belt around my sumo wrestler waist.

"He turned five last month," I replied.

The horrified look in her eyes told me all I needed to know.  Baby fat is to be all gone within a few months post-partem.  That's what post-partem depression is all about, by the way.  I was encased in a large, beige jello mold shaped like a wading pool where there had once been muscle tone and sinew.  Bring on the milkshakes and cheese whiz.  I'm sure they'll make everything better.

Today, it's post the L.A. book launch invitations, invite and secure guest readers, select a menu, post new blogs, go, go, go and I feel paralyzed, paralyzed, paralyzed.  WTF?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Launching a Book

You might, as I did, think that launching a book is about writing the book.  No, no, my friend.  It's really about marketing and promotion.  What did Sunny Frazier tell us again and again and again and again?

Watch her lips-- marketing and promotion.  I spend 20x more energy thinking about and doing things related to marketing and promotion that I spend actually writing the next Maya French adventure, Buried Secrets, Buried Treasure:  Berlin, Pink and Noir.  And that's quite a mouthful.  I don't have time to think of a more streamlined title.  At least not yet.

Maya, kitten with a whip, is sitting on my left shoulder.  She watches, she nudges, she prods.  "Get on it, girlfriend.  Do me right."  Her fingers tighten on the leather grip, "Get out there-- market and promote!"