Monday, January 21, 2013

Launching a Book

You might, as I did, think that launching a book is about writing the book.  No, no, my friend.  It's really about marketing and promotion.  What did Sunny Frazier tell us again and again and again and again?

Watch her lips-- marketing and promotion.  I spend 20x more energy thinking about and doing things related to marketing and promotion that I spend actually writing the next Maya French adventure, Buried Secrets, Buried Treasure:  Berlin, Pink and Noir.  And that's quite a mouthful.  I don't have time to think of a more streamlined title.  At least not yet.

Maya, kitten with a whip, is sitting on my left shoulder.  She watches, she nudges, she prods.  "Get on it, girlfriend.  Do me right."  Her fingers tighten on the leather grip, "Get out there-- market and promote!"